Salix Associates: specialists on tap
I’ve been a Salix Associate for quite a while. I’m one of that merry band who looks forward to a phone call from MD Sarah Wrixon. ‘Hi Susan, how are you fixed? We’ve got a new client and we’d like your input. Can you come in tomorrow?’
In fact, the trips to the Treehouse in fashionable Balham usually begin before that, when Salix is working on the pitch for a potential client. From the earliest stages of the relationship, Sarah and the team ensure that they have something worthwhile to bring to the meeting table. Every facet of the company or organisation is scrutinised. What is its current status; where does it want to get to; what are the hurdles; where are the opportunities? What is the ethos of the company and its people. What do others say about them? Is it a values-led organisation, where do its passions lie? Are they genuine passions or simply a snappy strap line on the website? How does it communicate its values? Is it transparent and open in all its activities? As Sarah likes to say: corporates can’t spin their way out of bad behaviour. And she would have no hand in it even if they could.
Salix is a smallish team but every member is valued for the contribution they can make.
I come from a journalistic background, where I specialised in the public sector. I’ve held senior positions on Health Service Journal and, most recently I was Assistant Editor of Times Educational Supplement. Since moving into PR and marketing, I’ve worked on strategic planning, research, reputation, crisis management and, of course, media.
I love working with clients to create a corporate narrative that will interest journalists. It might be the nationals or sector weeklies, digital or paper, broadcast or podcast.
Commentators may predict the death of ‘conventional’ journalism, but media coverage continues to bring credibility to business in a way that nothing else can. Or will.
So, the Treehouse beckons. I know it will be hard work, but we’ll bounce ideas around, distill our thinking, focus on what’s important, do our research, learn from one another. And above all, it will be fun.
Susan Delgado, Head of Media, Salix