Voluteer group of people for charity donation in the park

We asked which three million lives

“Salix’s intelligent and effective strategic approach had an immediate impact on our business. From day one they connected us with appropriate influencers and commissioners, positioning us as responsible thought leaders reflecting our genuine desire to understand the system from within.” Carl Atkey, Head of Appello


Establish a market presence for  Appello, a digital health challenger brand


An initial round table at the King’s Fund of influential patient representatives, front line clinical providers and commissioners in primary care, led to a white paper, 3millionlives; which three million lives, in partnership with the National Association for Patient Participation and the British Lung Foundation.


The report achieved major coverage across all relevant specialist health journals, and original round table participants formed a national council to drive the digital health agenda and deliver educational materials. Appello hit the ground running and has become a key player in the health and care sectors.
